How to choose a spotlight for suspended ceilings - selection of parameters, tips on installation and selection of modern lamps

Lighting is an integral part of the interior of a room. You need to take a serious approach to choosing it, since poor-quality electric lighting can damage the canvas.

The most popular lighting devices are spotlights. The main advantages of this type of lamp are originality in design, safety and low price.

The choice of lighting devices must be approached with special care, since not every type of light bulb can fit a given canvas. Some, due to their high power, can damage PVC film, others can burn out or reduce the height of the room.

The choice of diode devices can be made based on several criteria:

  • Method of attachment to the ceiling covering;
  • Lamp type;
  • Additional functions (light flow regulation).

Types of turned lamps by installation method

Invoices. This type of lamp is very easy to install - after connecting the wires to the ceiling, a special ring is mounted on which the light bulb is attached.

Built-in. Installation takes place simultaneously with the installation of the ceiling. A spring is built in between it and the decorative covering. The light device is held on it.

The cheapest and simplest option would be overhead lamps - they have low power because there is little space between the top of the room and the canvas and a very powerful light fixture can ruin the coating. This type of lamp is used as additional lighting and carries an aesthetic value. They give out maximum light (the efficiency is quite high). Another advantage is easy access to the case after installation.

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Built-in light bulbs have high power and are used when there is the required distance between the decorative coating and the ceiling. Used for main lighting in a room

Types of spotlights

These lighting devices can be of the following types:

  • Built-in.
  • Invoices.
  • With swivel mechanism.
  • Fixed.

In addition, the devices differ in shape, size and lighting sources that are used in them.

Overhead lamps are used in cases where it is impossible to make a special niche (for example, in solid concrete structures). These models are equipped with a mounting platform, and a diffuser is installed on it.

Built-in models are installed in a niche. They are a whole body, it has clamps for lighting sources and fasteners.

The choice of built-in models is strikingly diverse. They differ in shape and size. Thanks to this, you can not only create good lighting, but also decorate the interior.

Classification of spotlights by light source

There are four possible options here:

  • LED;
  • Luminescent;
  • With tungsten filament;
  • Halogen sources.

Features of LED ceiling lights

The lighting function here is performed by an LED - electricity is directly converted into light. The light is supplied uninterruptedly thanks to the built-in transformer. Advantages:

  • Long service life (5-6 years);
  • They practically do not heat up (there is nothing to emit heat);
  • There are energy-saving types;
  • Suitable for any suspended ceilings.

If we take other rooms, then, for example, a ceiling chandelier for the living room would be a more correct solution.


  • Quite a high price compared to other types;
  • If the lamp burns out, due to the fact that it is most often built into the lamp, it will be necessary to completely change the lighting device.

Pros and cons of different types of light bulbs for suspended ceilings

Halogen and energy-saving lamps (fluorescent, LED) are suitable for suspended ceilings. Classic incandescent light bulbs get too hot and can damage the ceiling, so they are not used.


Diode lamps have many advantages over other light sources. They do not heat up, save energy, have a long service life, and provide bright light with low power consumption. They are reliable and safe - LED bulbs do not contain incandescent filaments, fragile bulbs or other harmful components. Diodes provide almost natural light without ripples, which is comfortable for the eyes. There is only one drawback - high cost. LED lamps are excellent devices for suspended ceilings.

Important! Modern models are equipped with a built-in stabilizer, so during installation there is no need to additionally connect the stabilizer.


Halogen sources can have different shapes, differing in the type of base. Contains bromine or iodine vapor inside. Halogen lamps have good color rendering and a high level of light output. They are resistant to power surges, do not heat up, are durable and have a long service life of about 4000 hours. For spotlights, light bulbs with a small bulb are available.

You can use a halogen device on a suspended ceiling only if its power is below 35 W.

Install a halogen lamp only while wearing gloves. Fingerprints will remain on the glass and may cause burnout.

Halogen point light sources

Bright and rich, clear light with the ability to adjust the flow, very high color rendering. Visually enlarge the room.

The disadvantages include two things:

  • They are less energy efficient than LED bulbs, but they save electricity better than incandescent bulbs.
  • When installing spotlights in a suspended ceiling, due to the design features, you will have to reduce the height of the film by about 8 centimeters.

Which light bulbs are suitable for suspended ceilings

Some types of lamps become very hot during operation and are therefore not recommended for use with stretch fabrics. It is also important to consider the color temperature and power of lighting fixtures. Let's consider each parameter in detail.

Types of lamps

According to the type of lighting element there are:

  • halogen;
  • luminescent (energy saving);
  • LED;
  • incandescent lamps.

For suspended ceilings, fluorescent and diode ceilings are recommended, since they do not heat the canvas. Other reasons why these varieties are more convenient are low power consumption and long service life. Incandescent and halogen lamps can also be used, but with a power of up to 40-60 watts. It is better to mount, especially the first ones, only in overhead lamps, and so that the flow is directed strictly downward. Otherwise, the canvas will overheat and melt. It is better to choose incandescent lamps with mirror coating in order to obtain a directed light flux.

Halogen ones differ in that there is another small lamp inside the bulb. They can also be capsule or finger-type, and are a miniature flask with two terminals. These models are installed in closed luminaires, in particular G9, G4, G5.3. It should be taken into account that halogen lamps also heat up the socket.

Luminescent ones are effective only with constant operation. When switched on and off frequently, they consume relatively a lot of energy, which is spent on heating. Another drawback is that at first they turn on at half power and only then flare up to full power.

LED lamps for suspended PVC ceilings are considered the best. They consume the least amount of electricity and last longer than incandescent lamps.

But the diodes also heat up, which shortens their service life. To remove heat, high-quality products have an aluminum radiator grille through which cooling is carried out. Recently, models have appeared in which the cooling component is composite; aluminum and plastic are used for its manufacture. Manufacturers claim that it removes heat in the same way as powerful monometallic counterparts. However, you need to choose only well-known brands.

Colorful temperature

The luminous flux varies. You can find out the nature of the radiation by looking at the markings on the packaging. Thus, the marking from 1800 to 3800 Kelvin means that the light is emitted in the warm range. It relaxes, makes the space cozy and is more suitable for a residential home. 4000–5000 K is neutral, above 5000 K is cold lighting. It tones, so it is suitable for a workplace - for example, a study or office.

Required lamp power and lighting standards

There are average indicators for an apartment per 1 m² based on an incandescent lamp:

  • bedroom - 15 W;
  • children's - 60 W;
  • living room, bathroom, hallway - 22 W;
  • kitchen - 26 W.

Correspondence table for different types of lamps (W):

IncandescentEnergy savingLED

A formula has also been developed to determine the number of lighting fixtures (N):

N=(SxW)/P , where:

  • S is the area of ​​the room;
  • W—lighting standard;
  • P is the power of one element.

When developing a placement scheme, it is necessary to take into account that the lamps can be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other and at least 20 cm from the wall.

Read more: How many lamps are needed per square meter of stretch ceiling

Characteristics of incandescent lamps

These are ordinary light bulbs with a tungsten filament. They are the cheapest in their class. This type of device should be chosen carefully - they get very hot and can damage the canvas. You should also pay attention to the power - the possibility of damage to the PVC film also depends on it.

To prevent this, it will be necessary to insulate the light fixture; it will prevent the structure from heating up. For more diffused light, it is better to choose lamps with a matte rather than transparent coating.

Fluorescent electric lighting

Any electric lighting device will be energy saving if a fluorescent lamp is screwed into it. It not only saves electrical current, but also creates a powerful flow of light comparable to LED and halogen lamps.

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The only disadvantage of this type is the size - they are large and may not fit any “stretch”.

Decorative lighting

LED Strip Light

A transparent strip of flexible plastic with LED lights, equipped with an adhesive surface, is used for decorative purposes, occasionally as the main source. The tape is placed around the perimeter or flush with the stretch ceiling. With its help you can create illuminated geometric shapes and designs.

Due to its minimal power consumption and various color variations, this tape is in great demand.

The brightness of the light flux varies depending on the number and size of installed LEDs. To create a soft, even glow, the optimal quantity is from 30 to 60 diodes per 1 m of strip.

Additional advantages are fire safety and easy installation. The power supply is provided through the converter unit, since the device operates on a voltage of 12-24 V.

"Starry Sky"

Decorative lighting imitates the glow and twinkling of stars, creating an incredible atmosphere in the room. Stars can be arranged randomly or in the form of constellations.

To create this effect, LEDs are used in combination with fiber-optic threads connected to a generator (located above the structure). LEDs are placed in different ways:

  1. Outdoor placement.
  2. Installation of diodes above the canvas. In this case, the light is projected onto the inner surface of the coating, which looks completely smooth during the day, and turns into a starry sky at night.
  3. The inlay of diodes into Swarovski crystals creates a very beautiful refraction of light, the stars really sparkle. The most interesting and expensive option is “the sky in diamonds”.

During installation, a rigid frame is used, to which fiber-optic threads with LEDs are attached. The connection is made through a light generator. Using the remote control, the brightness of the “stars” is adjusted.

Additional functions of spotlights

The main additions to the design of lamp lighting are the ability to adjust the flow of light and the height of the bulb.

In accordance with this, there is a division into rotating and non-rotating lamps. The former are more expensive and are used more to create volume in the room.

Types of lamps

First of all, you should decide on the choice of lighting fixture. Let us consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the main configurations.


A traditional electrical appliance is designed to illuminate the entire room, but in fact it is concentrated in the center, the peripheral parts, especially the corners, are in partial shade. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to take into account the area and height of the room, and, if necessary, supplement with other light-diffusing devices.

Chandeliers vary in type of design.

  1. Classic pendant chandeliers are safe devices if the distance from the lampshades to the film coating is 20 cm or more. If this parameter is not observed, only LED lamps should be installed in them: simple incandescent lamps generate heat, especially in multi-tiered ones with several horns. If the temperature is exceeded (above 60 ⁰C), the film will quickly become unusable: it will darken, turn yellow, lose elasticity, and may sag.

To calculate the optimal distance to the ceiling, the arrangement of the lampshades is important: if their sockets are directed upward, then there should be at least 40 cm between them and the tension covering.

  1. Ceiling-mounted ones, for example, in the form of plates, are installed provided that LED bulbs are used that do not generate heat and do not affect the film coating.


They look harmonious on a stretched surface and can be used as the main light source or additional to a chandelier to illuminate certain areas. Ideal for low ceilings. Their popularity is explained by ease of installation and low price.

Available in various sizes, shapes, and assembly methods. It should be noted that, regardless of the model, they use halogen bulbs up to 30 W, LED and fluorescent bulbs of any power.

Recommended amount for normal lighting:

  • with halogen or LED bulbs - at the rate of 1 pc. by 1.5 sq. meters;
  • with energy-saving ones - 1 pc. for every 2 sq. meters.

They can be installed:

  1. Above ceiling level (using light-transmitting film). With this arrangement, you can create various lighting effects and soft overhead lighting.
  2. Level with the ceiling.
  3. Below the ceiling line. When installing the moving mechanism, you can adjust the direction angle of the light waves.

Installation of spot light scattering is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • maximum permissible temperature - 60 ⁰С;
  • the power consumption of the light bulb does not exceed 35 W;
  • the presence of a reflective mirror coating;
  • no sharp parts that could damage the film.

Raster lamps

Cellular metal structures are mainly installed in suspended structures, but are occasionally used in tension structures.

They consist of a metal mirror frame with cold or warm spectrum fluorescent lamps. The standard model, containing 4 lamps with a power of 18 W, is designed for 5 square meters. m area.

Its popularity is due to its affordable price and high level of light scattering. Area of ​​application: trading floors, office premises.

Note! One of the main advantages of a stretch ceiling is the use of open (external) wiring, which makes electrical installation work cheaper and increases the choice of lamps.

How to choose the right point light source

Many people, when choosing light for a room, pay attention only to the beauty and aesthetics of the lamps, and the most important thing - the technical characteristics - are ignored or forgotten.

But when installing light, you should pay attention to some factors:

  • Minimum distance between the lighting fixture and the ceiling deck. For halogen bulbs and tungsten filament it is approximately 25-35 centimeters.
  • Maximum power. Halogen appliances are limited to 30 W, incandescent – ​​60 W.
  • Lighting angle. The main type of light should have 60-90 degrees, the additional one - 45.
  • There should be slight heating.
  • A smart idea for placing spotlights on a suspended ceiling.

How to choose the right one

If the question arises about purchasing a lighting source, then the question most often arises is which lamps for suspended ceilings are best to choose.

It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally. The most important thing is to look at those qualities that are unacceptable for this type of ceiling.

You can also look at various photos of lamps for suspended ceilings on the Internet to get an idea of ​​their appearance. It would be even better if an image of a lamp already built into the ceiling structure is presented.

How to change a spotlight

You can install or replace a spotlight with your own hands. There are minor difficulties associated with the design of the coating. You will also need to choose an electrical light fixture that is exactly the same brand and type as the broken one. The replacement method depends on the type of lamp.

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