How to choose a shower tray and not make a mistake with the size, height or weight: tips, model options, price

In recent years, showers have become an integral part of our lives. They are an alternative to bathtubs in cramped rooms, helping to free up some space, or they become a plumbing addition in spacious toilet rooms, making water procedures more varied. One of the components of a shower box is a tray. In this article we will look in detail at the features of manufacturing shower trays, the shapes and sizes of structures. We’ll also tell you what you need to pay attention to when choosing a pallet model.

Plumbing manufacturers offer a wide range of pallets of various shapes and sizes


In the process of choosing plumbing installations, it is important to determine the correct parameters of each component element. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of shower cabins with different trays, which are classified by depth, shape, material, and cost.

By size and depth

Each line of pallets is presented in classic sizes. It is easy to match them with fencing and doors of any brand. The minimum parameters of a pallet are 70 x 70 cm, the maximum are 130 x 130 cm. The length and width dimensions increase by a multiple of 10 cm. If you decide on non-standard dimensions, then first think about the dimensions of the fences, which are more difficult to choose. If you are financially able, you can order individual plumbing fixtures, which will be manufactured according to the designer’s design.

Taking into account the depth of the pallet, the following options are presented:

  • Deep products include products from 250 mm and more. Such models are most often presented in semicircular and angular shapes.
  • A design of 100-180 mm is considered shallow.
  • Flat pallets with a height of no more than 100 mm. Such models are ideal for children who often do not look where they are going. Also for older people who are not comfortable getting into the bathroom every time.

By material

  • The most popular material is acrylic . The material is characterized by lightness, attractive appearance, is easy to repair, clean and lasts from 10 to 15 years. Pallets of any shape and size are created from this material.
  • Cast iron will last twice as long as acrylic, but it heats up more slowly and cools down more slowly. Such models have a lot of weight and a small choice of shapes.
  • Ceramic models do not warm up immediately, but they provide insulation from dripping onto the tray. This material will last a long time if you treat it with care.
  • Pallets made of quaril appeared not so long ago, but due to the presence of quartz in the composition, the wear resistance, strength and durability of the product increase. With proper care, the original shine of the product is preserved.
  • Products made from natural stone are an expensive option, which is characterized by strength, wear resistance and durability. This product is not susceptible to external influences and remains smooth, but not slippery. Guarantees sound insulation. Most choose marble, but porcelain stoneware allows you to save a little.


When choosing a manufacturer of plumbing fixtures, it is worth considering the service life of the products. German (Villeroy&Boch, Catalano) and Italian plumbing fixtures (Flaminia) remain of high quality, but they will cost more than domestic or the same high-quality Chinese ones. The choice directly depends on the capabilities of consumers. A cheaper option from Spain is the company Roca, but the quality is appropriate.


The cost of the product directly depends on the choice of pallet material and the presence of additional functionality, for example, lighting.
The most expensive product is considered to be made from natural stone. The cheapest steel models cost from 3,000 rubles, acrylic products from China cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Czech and German manufacturers offer products made of artificial stone, as well as ceramics, for an average of 30 thousand rubles.


Depending on the box shape, the following pallet options are available:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • radius;
  • pentagonal.

With such a variety, it’s easy to choose the best option for a small room or a spacious room. If the soul desires something original, then non-standard solutions are offered - oval, polygonal, round and asymmetrical pallets. But to implement such projects, more space is needed; some companies are ready to work to order based on individual sketches.

Installation approval

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the installation of some shower cabins, especially those of non-standard type and large sizes, must be approved. Since this is in some cases considered a reconstruction. What and how to do?

The shower stall, as is clear, must fit into the available space. The problem may be that you have to move the sink. And this in some cases leads to the need to rebuild engineering systems.


First of all, we are talking about sewerage. If the main pipes - the siphon does not count - are intact, then such a rearrangement does not apply to the reconstruction. And you don’t need to formalize it. But just in case - don’t take our word for it - consult about this with the BTI or other authorities, specialized companies involved in legalizing redevelopment. You can also contact local authorities.

Electrical network

Secondly, a rectangular shower cabin can influence the conditions of the electricity supply. What does it mean? There is usually no outlet in the bathroom. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that citizens do not know exactly how to make an outlet. This is standardized according to GOST R 50571.11. According to the regulations, the socket cannot be located in the bathroom closer than 60 cm from the border of the pool, tray, bathtub, or sink. But even under this condition, some safety requirements must be met:

  1. Application of an isolation transformer.
  2. Installation of a differential circuit breaker with a leakage current response threshold of no more than 30 mA.

Circuit breaker for electrical network

There used to be a third item, but it no longer shows up in printouts. We would like to add that both conditions must be met simultaneously. And that's why. An isolation transformer provides protection by ensuring that at one end of the secondary winding the phase is always below ground. Therefore, the current will not flow to a person who accidentally grasps the wire. Although it can bite. But suppose the following situation arises:

  • One of the ends of the winding was somehow grounded through the water.
  • The system will continue to work. This is a common grounding technique.
  • Now if a person grabs the wire on the other side of the winding, then everything will depend on how much resistance weighs parallel to the ground. In the worst case scenario, the victim will receive full 220 V.

How soon the traffic jams will break or the machine will turn off depends on many difficult situations. In our opinion, it is easier to connect both outputs of the secondary winding to a differential circuit breaker. Now the bather is absolutely protected. Any wrong movement results in an instantly detectable leak. An accident will not happen. Why not install one differential machine? There is no galvanic current isolation. But all other things being equal, it is preferable to install a differential machine.

And if the energy engineering system is being finalized, this already falls under the category of reconstruction. That is why the comments to the Housing Code indicate that it is necessary to coordinate the installation of powerful and “new” equipment. As always, they did not bother to explain to citizens what and how. But the most important thing is that the sockets are not indicated on the BTI plan; this already relates to the topic of the project for the electrical supply of the apartment. So what – should we now go to SRO organizations to install a shower?

Where can I get an electrical plan?

According to the standards, drawing up a plan for premises or its execution does not require an SRO license. It is clear that organizations want to impose this service, especially on those who receive housing in a new building. In this case, you can refer to the diagram that is included in the design of the house itself. That is, what the developer has. But with the new housing, not everything is simple either: the electrics are only brought up to the panel. What's next?

The bathroom must be equipped

Since 2013, approval of the power supply project is no longer required. Powers in this area have been transferred to Rostechnadzor. Energy supply contracts are concluded up to the apartment panel. When registering with the BTI, an energy supply plan is not required. We take information from the forum (

  • The person, the owner of the apartment, states that the management company (2008) requires an energy supply plan, and in addition:
  1. Coordinate the project with Rostechnadzor.
  2. Call a specialist from a research organization to check the work performed.
  3. Coordinate the results of the above measures with the Rostekhnadzor inspector.
  • The owner went to Rostekhnadzor, where he and a specialist looked through the documents. It turns out that in the “Procedure for commissioning electrical installations” something similar is prescribed for equipment with voltages above 1 kV.
  • However, a document was found “On the procedure for admitting into operation electrical installations of residential buildings that are subject to commercial sale, without performing certain types of work in the city of Moscow” (April 19, 1999).

As a result, the inspector stated: despite clause 2, Article 12 of the RF Housing Code on the procedure for establishing requirements and Article 4 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, which does not provide for any acts in the field of technical regulation , Rostechnadzor uses the 1999 interim guidance. On the other hand, the following is written on the organization’s official website (

  • Question (asked July 4, 2014): Does Rostechnadzor participate in the acceptance or approval of projects for apartment buildings?
  • Answer: The powers of the organization are established by Government Decree No. 401, dated July 30, 2004 (Regulations on the Federal Service for Environmental, Technical and Nuclear Supervision). Guided by this document, clause 2 of the government decree of February 1, 2006 is applied, according to which supervision is carried out only over the objects listed in clause 5.1 of Art. 6 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

How to correlate these two such different answers? We called Rostechnadzor (2016), and they confirmed to us that no approval of the energy supply project in the case of a new building (electrician to panel) is required with this organization (response from the website). If you intend to carry out reconstruction, you can contact local authorities. If necessary, you can draw a plan yourself, but many experts frankly do not understand who might need this and on what basis.

How to choose a practical and high-quality shower tray?

Selecting a pallet is a complex decision in which it is important to evaluate a number of criteria. It is worth deciding on the dimensions, shape and material of the product; it is also worth taking into account factors such as the height of the sides, weight and dimensions of the cabins.

Side height

A deep tray is considered a practical solution; they try to combine it with polystyrene or glass doors. This decision is also relevant if there are dogs, cats and other pets in the house that have to wash their paws after going outside.

But the most modern and innovative solution is models without sides. However, this design requires repair work to ensure drainage.

A shower without sides requires special and constant care, so not everything that is beautiful is practical.


The weight of the pallet directly depends on the selected material of the product. The heaviest option remains the cast iron version, which can tighten up to 60 kg, and the most practical and popular is the acrylic one, it has a low weight of 15-20 kg, which directly depends on the thickness of the material, and a large number of advantages.

Cabin sizes: standard and large

Choose a cabin so that the largest member of the family can move comfortably in the shower. It should tilt freely while standing directly in the tray. The movement of arms and legs should not be constrained, but should be free.

Important little things to pay attention to

When deciding which shower tray is best to choose, it makes sense to pay attention not only to the main characteristics listed above, but also to seemingly insignificant details. Ignoring little things can add problems during installation and subsequent operation of products.

1. Shape

For shower enclosures, it is not particularly important and is selected based on visual preferences and the layout of the bathroom. But for a shower niche you should choose only rectangular and square models. It will be impossible to choose a door for everyone else, and using a soft curtain is not the best idea (ugly and inconvenient).

2. Siphon

Siphons on pallets can be used of various diameters - from 50 to 100 cm. Any type is suitable for deep models, since there is a margin of height for the side and if the water does not have time to leave, nothing bad will happen. But it is better to choose low models with a wide siphon (90, 92 cm) so that they do not rise above the level of the sides.

It is also worth considering the lack of any standards for holes in pallets. Because of this, choosing an analog siphon for some models can be very, very difficult. So it is better to give preference to a product with a standard diameter hole, for which after a while (when the original siphon fails) you can choose some “Chinese” one.

Installation method

On high pallets, as a rule, height-adjustable legs and decorative removable screens are included. Both are very convenient and greatly simplify installation (you can place a high tray almost anywhere).

But on low models everything is much more complicated. Many of them do not have a screen, which creates additional installation difficulties. In particular, you need to build the tray into the podium, or raise it and make a screen from ceramic tiles or in another way. But there are also models that can be purchased complete with a screen.

Before purchasing, it is worth determining how the installation will be carried out in order to select a pallet model suitable for the chosen method.

Large cast iron trays: are they used for showers?

Cast iron models are used for shower stalls and corners. Due to the characteristics of the material and weight of the product, there is a meager choice of shapes on the market. Cast iron as a material is characterized by wear resistance, strength and durability.

A corrugated bottom or a special anti-slip coating are mandatory considerations when choosing a pallet made of this material.

The market offers a wide range of pallets, allowing you to take into account personal preferences, bathroom features and design projects. Having studied the selection criteria presented, it will be easier to decide on the appropriate option.

Manufacturing materials

For the manufacture of pallets, materials are used that satisfy any customer request:

  1. Cast iron. It adds a lot of weight to the product, which creates difficulties during installation, but is convenient to use.
  2. Enameled steel. The product turns out to be “noisy”, the coating can chip when impacted. Cold material. It has a cheap appearance.
  3. Ceramics. Impacts may cause chips and “cold” conditions.
  4. Plastic. Easily scratched, slippery, and can warp from high temperatures. There is a possibility of staining with chemicals.
  5. Acrylic. It scratches and cracks when hit hard.

Enameled steel and plastic are the cheapest materials. Acrylic and ceramics will cost 3 or 4 times more. Cast iron is used relatively rarely, and therefore the cost of these baths is high. Each material has strengths and weaknesses.

Plastic gets the most negative characteristics. When installing, take into account its expansion by 1-2 mm under the influence of temperature. All seams must be sealed with elastic sealant, but this material is a source of unpleasant odors. Therefore, enameled steel is preferable, but it requires reliable heat and sound insulation.

In the more expensive price group, acrylic attracts attention. It is “warm” (unlike artificial stone), easy to clean, and “quiet”. Ceramics are less convenient to use, since they require the use of a wooden grid or mat to prevent your feet from freezing during the cold season.

Doors. Opening systems

Shower screens or simply doors, in addition to preventing water from splashing, maintain temperature conditions, are necessary for a number of procedures, such as aromatherapy, steam bath and others.

Opening systems:

  • Hinged doors - they provide wide access to the cabin, are mounted on hinges, and are easy to install. Disadvantage - in a small room it may be difficult to open them completely.
  • Doors on hinges. It also provides free access, the fastening is safer and more durable. Hinges are located at the ends of the door at the top and bottom.
  • Sliding doors will save room space. Consist of a pair or more panels.
  • Folding doors fold down without taking up much space. They can be combined with sliding panels.
  • Pivot doors open inwards and outwards. Mounted on a hinge.


The variety of materials from which doors are made can be confusing when choosing.

  • The glass used in shower cabins is tempered, heat-resistant and impact-resistant. The thickness of such glass is from 0.4 cm. The glass does not require maintenance; mold and mildew cannot appear on it. When purchasing, you should definitely ask for a quality certificate, since there is a possibility of buying a fake, that is, glass that has not been tempered.
  • Doors made of polystyrene can be transparent or matte. Doors made of polystyrene are moisture-resistant, lightweight, and short-lived. They require special care and the selection of special products for plastic.
  • Plexiglas is as transparent as ordinary glass, lightweight, and more durable than polystyrene. Subject to mechanical damage.
  • Tempered glass, reminiscent of a “sandwich” in structure, consists of three layers - glass, reinforcing film, glass. The strength and safety of triplex is at a very high level. The cost of triplex is very high. Maintenance is not difficult, like with ordinary glass.

Video description

The advantages of corner cabins are well described in the video:

Rectangular models

This variety includes booths that have the shape of a square, a regular rectangle, or a rectangle with a rounded radius corner. They all have one back wall and can be installed either in a corner or along one of the walls.

  • The sizes of square products do not differ in variety. There are only three standard sizes with sides of 80, 90 and 100 cm.
  • The sizes of rectangular shower cabins, on the contrary, are very diverse. The most compact model has parameters of 70x90 cm, and the largest 90x170 cm. The remaining standard sizes are shown in the table.
Width, cmLength, cm
80100, 110, 140
85120, 145, 150, 158, 170
90110, 120, 150
  • The dimensions of booths with a radius corner often repeat the dimensions of rectangular ones, but among them there are also not quite standard options: 85x110 cm, 85x130 cm, 76x122 cm.

Rectangular cabin in the interior Source


There is no need to list the sizes, because the list would be too long. 120x80 cm is often found, but there are completely non-standard solutions that are difficult to correlate with a typical line. There is still one exception to the above rule about a deep tray. From time to time, boxes with a distinct rectangular shape come across on sale. But their tray is low. Globally, two types can be outlined:

  • Boxes with a Turkish bath (rarely rectangular, for example, Eago DZ959 F8 L).
  • Boxes with a Finnish sauna (Appollo AG-0204). There are usually two rooms here, which determines the specific shape of the pallet.

Configurations with a Turkish bath most often have a deep tray.

Shapes and sizes

Such equipment differs in plan dimensions, height, and shape. The shape affects the installation location of the booth - installation in a corner, against a wall or free placement is possible.

Corner models

The corner location is optimal for small bathrooms, as well as for showers in baths and saunas. It allows you to save space as much as possible, freeing up space for the necessary furniture and other plumbing fixtures. The most compact designs are open type.

Built-in corner model Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of swimming pools

The most common and popular shapes are quarter circle and polyhedron.

  • A quarter circle is not an entirely correct definition, since the spherical front walls of the booth in plan are not always a segment of a circle with a radius formed by the rear walls. However, it most accurately describes this configuration. The sizes of corner shower cabins vary from very modest (80x80 cm) to very spacious (150x150 cm). These numbers mean the length of the back walls, which may have other dimensions: 90, 100, 110, 120, 125, 130, 140 cm. Some manufacturers have an even wider range of sizes.
  • Multifaceted models most often represent a pentagon with two perpendicular back walls and a front part in the form of a trapezoid. Despite their more complex shape, with comparable sizes they take up less space than round ones. In addition, multifaceted boxes are not always symmetrical; the length of their rear walls can be either the same or different, which gives more room for maneuver when choosing an installation location. The most common sizes: 80x80 cm, 90x90 cm, 100x100 cm, 85x100 (110, 120) cm, 90x100 (110,120) cm, 100x110 (120) cm.
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