What is static electricity and how to protect yourself from it

Pros and cons of static manifestation

Dangerous manifestations of electrostatics primarily include the constant friction of poor-quality clothing on the human body and the accumulation of electrical charges on the skin.
In the technical field, this effect is especially acute when working as specialist installers in soldering microcircuits. In this case, it threatens the failure of expensive chips or even entire devices assembled on their basis. When assembling valuable and rare microchips, safety requirements provide for special measures to protect against these unpleasant manifestations.

In technologies associated with the soldering of some microcircuits, electrostatic protection involves wearing a grounded bracelet on the hand, in the presence of which the danger is eliminated by the flow of charges to the ground. Such preventive measures mainly concern outdated K-MOS structures, which are increasingly being replaced by modern microchips that have built-in protection against static electricity.

Danger to humans

Lightning discharges are dangerous manifestations of static electricity

Manifestations of statics as such that are dangerous to humans include:

  • thunderstorm discharges accompanied by lightning - they are caused by prolonged friction of air flows; in terms of possible consequences, including fire danger, they far exceed all other manifestations;
  • the impact of charges on the biological surface (skin) and the appearance of severe irritation on it;
  • dangerous and unpleasant discharges of electricity through the human body when touching metal parts of ungrounded equipment.

The latter phenomenon has nothing to do with critical electric shocks caused by emergency situations when dangerous voltage enters the body of a household appliance.

All these questions relate only to the external side of the manifestations of static electricity, which can be eliminated with the help of technical means of protection. A closer study of this process reveals that the impact of statics on somatics and the human body can lead to more serious consequences:

  • systematic sleep disorders;
  • changes in the tone of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe fatigue;
  • the occurrence of problems with the nervous system;
  • slight deviations in the functioning of muscle tissue.

Although these disorders are not very noticeable at first, over time changes accumulate in the body that can lead to serious abnormalities. The consequence of poor sleep is mental problems, which in turn leads to other diseases. The harm from this effect in this case is beyond doubt.

The benefits of static electricity

Many scientists and inventors at one time tried to find ways to control static charge for the benefit of humans. They developed bulky and very expensive units, the returns from which, as a rule, remained very low. The only breakthrough in this area is the discovery by scientists of the so-called “corona discharge”.

The unique capabilities of this phenomenon are used not only in production, but also in ordinary everyday conditions. Due to the development of modern techniques for controlling electrostatic phenomena, they are widely used in the following technological processes:

  • painting frame bases, as well as surfaces of metal structures and other prefabricated products;
  • purification of gases from impurities in the mining industry;
  • use in many areas related to materials processing (modern nanotechnology).

Coronary discharge is also widely used in medicine, where it is used to limit the impact of electrostatic discharges on diseased human organs. In addition, based on this effect, many devices have been developed that can ionize the air not only in industrial premises and factory floors, but also in a typical city apartment. One of these useful inventions is an electrostatic filter designed to remove aerosol and mechanical particles from the surrounding air. Thanks to its use, it is possible to get rid of soot, soot and smoke, as well as small dust particles that accumulate in excess in any modern home.

Causes and manifestations

Static voltage occurs due to a violation of the overall balance of electrically charged particles present in any matter. It is formed not only according to a pre-planned scenario: at the request of the teacher or experimenter. In practice, it most often manifests itself without participation and against his will.

A simple example: putting on clothes made from synthetic fabrics. Due to friction with the body and the subsequent appearance of static charges, the material begins to fit tightly and does not allow the outfit to give the desired look. The only possible way out in this situation is to spray it with a special agent called an “antistatic agent.” This is the only way to remove excess charge from synthetic material.

Other typical causes of static charge formation are:

  • noticeable temperature changes, which also occur very sharply;
  • high level of radiation, leading to an increase in electron energy and the appearance of heterogeneously charged particles in the material;
  • the presence of strong induction and magnetic fields.

The first two reasons why a person begins to receive an electric shock do not require any special explanation. In contrast, magnetic induction appears to be a serious problem, especially in recent times.

Lightning strikes the tower

With the constant increase in the number of household appliances, many of which have inductive elements, the influence of electromagnetic fields on humans is increasing sharply. One of these manifestations is the electrification of the atmosphere due to the separation of air particles into charged electrons and ions, which is essentially the same manifestation of static electricity.

The gradual accumulation of risk factors associated with a variety of sources of extraneous fields has led to a separate direction in science that studies the degree of their danger. On the other hand, scientists have long thought about the beneficial properties of electrification and the possibility of using this effect to serve humans.

Static electricity

Heavy artillery

If there is very little time to get rid of static from clothes, then the best way to remove static is with varnish or a special antistatic agent. As for the first, regular hairspray can be sprayed onto the inside of the clothing. This method is quick and effective, the main thing is to wait for the clothes to dry.

If the problem with electrification of things and hair is permanent, it is better to purchase a special antistatic agent, which is sold in the household chemicals department of any store. There are a lot of brands - almost every manufacturer produces two types of antistatic spray: water-based and alcohol-based.

It is better to use alcohol antistatic in a well-ventilated area, as it has a rather pungent odor that takes a long time to dissipate. A water-based antistatic agent for textiles is much more convenient, as it does not retain the smell of alcohol on clothing and is completely safe for health. The price of both products is quite affordable, and the bottle is quite large and will last for a long time.

Harm and benefits of static electricity

Many scientists and inventors tried to use static charge. Cumbersome units were created, the benefits of which were low. The discovery of corona discharge by scientists turned out to be useful. It is widely used in industry. Using an electrostatic charge, complex surfaces are painted and gases are purified from impurities. This is all good, but there are also numerous problems. Electric shocks can be very powerful. They can sometimes infect humans. This happens both at home and in the workplace.

The harm of static electricity manifests itself in shocks of varying power when removing a synthetic sweater, getting out of a car, turning on and off a food processor and vacuum cleaner, laptop and microwave oven. These blows can be harmful.

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Static electricity occurs, which affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. You should protect yourself from it. The person himself is also often a carrier of charges. When contacting the surfaces of electrical appliances, they become electrified. If this is a control and measuring device, the matter may end in its failure.

The discharge current brought by a person, with its heat, destroys connections, breaks the tracks of microcircuits, and destroys the film of field-effect transistors. As a result, the circuit becomes unusable. Most often, this does not happen immediately, but at any stage during the operation of the tool.

In factories that process paper, plastics, and textiles, materials often behave incorrectly. They stick to each other, stick to various types of equipment, are repelled, collect a lot of dust on themselves, and are wound incorrectly on reels or bobbins. The reason for this is the occurrence of static electricity. Two charges of equal polarity repel each other. Others, one of which is positively charged and the other negatively charged, attract each other. Charged materials behave the same way.

In printing plants and other places where flammable solvents are used, a fire may occur. This occurs when the operator is wearing non-conductive shoes and the equipment is not properly grounded. The ability to ignite depends on the following factors:

  • discharge type;
  • discharge power;
  • static discharge source;
  • energy;
  • the presence of solvents or other flammable liquids nearby.

Discharges can be spark, hand, or sliding hand. A spark discharge comes from a person. Carpal occurs on pointed parts of equipment. Its energy is so low that it poses virtually no fire hazard. Sliding brush discharge occurs on synthetic sheets, as well as on rolled materials with different charges on each side of the sheet. It poses the same danger as a spark discharge.

Lethality is a major issue for safety experts. If a person holds on to the bobbin and is in the tension zone, his body will also be charged. To remove the charge, be sure to touch ground or grounded equipment. Only then will the charge go into the ground. But the person will receive a strong or weak electric shock. The result is reflexive movements that sometimes lead to injury.

A long stay in a charged zone leads to a person’s irritability, decreased appetite, and poor sleep.

Dust is removed from the production area using ventilation. It accumulates in pipes and can ignite from a static spark discharge.

Reasons for appearance

It can occur on insulated conductors, on the surface or in the bulk of dielectrics. Friction that occurs when two substances of different kinds come into contact leads to electrification of dielectrics. This is due to various molecular and atomic forces. We can say that static electricity is produced when their equilibrium is disturbed due to the acquisition or loss of an electron.

This process is very simple to explain. The state of equilibrium of an atom is achieved when there are equal numbers of protons and electrons. As electrons move from one atom to another, they form positive and negative ions.

When they are imbalanced, static electricity occurs. Protons and electrons have the same electrical charge, but with different polarities. It is measured in coulombs and determines the amount of electricity that passes in 1 second. in the cross section of the conductor. The static charge is directly proportional to the number of unstable ions, that is, the deficiency or excess of electrons.

Natural static voltage

Static electricity can be generated. This occurs due to the absence of one electron from the positive ion, as a result of which it can accept a free electron from the negative particle. In turn, a negative ion can be an atom or molecule with a large number of electrons. In these cases, there is one electron that is able to neutralize the positive charge.

The main causes of static electricity are:

  • separation or contact of two materials;
  • rapid temperature changes;
  • UV radiation, radiation, strong electric fields;
  • operations performed by cutting (cutting machines or paper cutting machines);
  • induction, that is, the appearance of an electric field caused by a static charge.

A phenomenon called static electricity is found everywhere in everyday life. Electrostatic discharge occurs at very high voltages but at low currents. In this case, there is no danger to humans. Despite this, protection against static electricity is necessary, since it can be dangerous for many elements of electrical appliances. Transistors, microprocessors, circuits, etc. very often suffer from it.

Prevention at work

In the case of production at enterprises, plants, factories, it will not be enough to hang a sign prohibiting animals in work premises

It is important to carry out scheduled regular training of personnel on measures against electric shock. One briefing per year will not be enough, since a person tends to forget information and get distracted

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the main wiring, wiring of equipment and tools in production. And it is important to remember that personnel safety is the work of not only the personnel themselves, but also management, because most often cases of electric shock occur in the production sector.

One of the most common causes of damage is human negligence and carelessness. In this case, a person may know measures to prevent electric shock, but does not take this information seriously, which becomes the cause of work-related injuries and death.

Also, negligence can be traced on the part of the administration of the enterprise where the victim works. And if such an incident occurred during work at production, responsibility for the incident will fall on the shoulders of the management of the organization in which the victim worked. And this was done for a reason. Labor protection legislation thus encourages enterprise management to devote more time to the issue of worker safety.

To prevent electric shock, there are basic and additional regulatory documents. In the case of protection measures against electricity, the following will be useful: “GOST ІЭС 61140-2012 Protection against electric shock”, “GOST 12.4.124 Means of protection against static electricity” and “GOST R EN 1149-5-2008 Special protective clothing”, PTEEP , PBEEP, PUE. These documents are very concise, but still contain the basic protection techniques that you need to know to effectively use the measures, means and methods of protection against electrical shock. For example, GOST ІЭС 61140-2012 is one of the main documents containing the rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations. These rules are necessary to know not only because they are part of the group exam, but also because they explain the user's responsibilities, operating procedures and types of electrical installations.

It is equally important to remember what collective protection measures exist for personnel. They consist in creating conditions under which there is no access to live parts that are energized

For this purpose, fencing, signaling, blocking devices and safety signs are used.

To prevent emergency situations, one of the main measures is protective grounding and protective grounding:

  • grounding - connecting the metal parts of the installation to the ground;
  • grounding - connecting the wiring to a neutral protective conductor, which disconnects the damaged section of the network.

It is also important to remember that you can get electrocuted by indirect contact. Indirect touch is contact with an open conductive part of an installation or equipment, which is de-energized during normal operation, but due to some factors has become energized

This phenomenon is especially dangerous when a person comes into contact with an installation without grounding, because in this case the outcome of accidental contact can be fatal. Therefore, you should not forget about such things as grounding and grounding in electrical installations.

You can read more about protective measures for indirect touch in the article we published earlier - https://samelectrik.ru/mery-zashhity-pri-kosvennom-prikosnovenii.html

The main thing that any manager should remember is that in order to prevent accidents and protect against electric shock, one should not skimp on the equipment of electricians, welders and other workers. All necessary technical measures must be taken to avoid accidents.

Protection measures

When working with electronic components, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the accumulation of static charge. Direct danger exists from lightning that occurs during the formation of thunderclouds. Clouds, due to the movement of air currents that are saturated with water vapor, can also form. Such discharges often occur between charged clouds and the ground. In this case, protection against static electricity in the form of lightning rods is needed.

Lungs resulting from various manifestations of static electricity are harmless at first glance, but this is far from the case. This phenomenon can conceal a great danger, since the resulting spark can cause a fire. Static electricity and protection against it are two concepts that should be known to everyone, since due to ignorance, serious troubles sometimes occur. In everyday life and at work, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of this type of electricity. To do this, you should carry out this regularly. Flammable liquids are another serious threat. They must be used in well-ventilated areas, which partially prevents static electricity (and in this case you are almost guaranteed protection from it). When working with such liquids, use natural clothing, grounding of rotating mechanisms, and only metal containers for storing liquids that can quickly ignite.

Magic lamp effect

Reducing the intensity of charges

To ensure that the effects of charges are not so dangerous, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of their appearance.

For process safety the following is used:

  1. Providing control over the movement of the medium in pipelines.
  2. Before processing begins, it is necessary to purify gases and liquids from foreign molecules.
  3. Where it is impossible to ensure the flow of charges naturally, closed containers are used.

Providing grounding:

  1. Based on the requirements of the rules, it is necessary to ensure that the installations are grounded using grounding devices.
  2. The resistance value should be no more than 100 ohms.
  3. Surfaces conducting electric current must be equipped with proper grounding.
  4. All pipelines and shafts must have one network with grounding electrodes installed on it. The step through which the last ones are installed is 40 m, and there must be at least two points.
  5. Devices must be connected to the circuit; a charge from the mechanisms may form on their surfaces.
  6. If the container is large in size, then grounding is carried out in two opposite places.
  7. If gases are discharged from the tank, they must be connected to grounding devices.
  8. If flammable materials pass through the hoses, they must first be wrapped in antistatic wires made of copper or brass.

Removing Charges from Hard Surfaces

To ensure the process progresses, neutralization of charges is necessary. Neutralizers used in production:

  1. If this production is explosive, then radioisotronic devices are installed.
  2. In the production of hygienic materials, the use of radioisotropes is prohibited, and high-voltage or induction installations are used.
  3. It is possible to use neutralizers with a sliding discharge.
  4. When using devices with complex dimensions in a technological process, it would be appropriate to use aerodynamic installations to ensure removal using routine methods. The process is carried out by injecting ions into the free space to ensure safety.

Charges in gas mixtures

To avoid the accumulation of static electricity charges in gaseous media, the following measures must be taken:

  1. To make the production process safe, it is enough to clean the gas from impurities that contribute to the accumulation of charges.
  2. Equipment sealing must be performed with proper quality.
  3. Small metal particles should not be left in the environment.

Removing Charge from Bulk Materials

To ensure safety you need to do:

  1. Processing of bulk materials should be carried out in metal containers.
  2. When transporting raw materials, it is necessary to use pipes with the same composition of the material.
  3. Air humidity in the premises must be 65% or not less. Additionally, ionization is organized to fulfill this requirement.
  4. In order for the drainage process to take place perfectly, you need to use special lubricants.
  5. Do not throw away polyethylene or PVC bags in containers where the temperature exceeds the ignition temperature.

Do not allow dust to accumulate and clean technical devices and equipment.

How to remove static electricity?

It is very unpleasant when interaction with this phenomenon leaves not the best memories. If, when touching any object, a person is struck with a small discharge of current, it means that the effect of static electricity has increased, and it needs to be removed.

How to remove static electricity in an apartment?

Static electricity can be present not only on clothes, but, so to speak, throughout the entire apartment. On any objects, from a needle, pin or hairpin, to a TV, refrigerator and more. Therefore, in order to reduce “communication” with this phenomenon, and not be afraid to be near and touch furniture and other things, it is worth knowing how to remove static electricity. Here are some tips to use when dealing with electric shock if you don't have an antistatic agent nearby.

  1. Dust on a TV or computer screen is very often subject to such a charge. This is all because dust itself accumulates a small current, and if it is on screens connected to electricity, then their amount increases much faster. In order to fix this, you need to carry out wet cleaning more often, thoroughly wiping the monitors. Thus, the accumulation of current on the surfaces of objects and in the air will be reduced.
  2. There is also a little secret about humidity and air in the room. Humidity in the air is equivalent to coins in your pocket - it attracts current charges very well. In order to reduce the appearance of static charges in the air, you can collect bottles of water and place them around the apartment. This humidifies the air and accordingly collects all the charges. After waiting a few hours, you can empty the water from the bottles and check the apartment, thus removing all possible charges from the house.
  3. It happens that even after such tricks, the frequency of charges does not stop decreasing, and this begins to seriously bother the whole family. Then it’s worth carrying out a thorough inspection of the apartment. It is necessary to minimize the amount of synthetics in the house. It is better to replace them with those that will definitely not cause problems with electrostatics. These are silk, wool, cotton and other materials.

How to remove static current from clothes?

It’s quite a nasty or even painful sensation when, when you put on your favorite sweater, your hair becomes electrified, your hairstyle gets ruined, and the item itself gives you an electric shock. And this happens not only with a sweater, but with all things from the wardrobe. It’s worth thinking about whether it’s time to start fighting this current? You can buy special products in stores, but it is very expensive and the chemicals do not have a very beneficial effect on human skin. Therefore, you can follow the tips given below to help relieve the charge on your clothes using home remedies.

  1. The first thing that will come to the rescue is baking soda. When the time comes for washing, you need to pour one fourth of the glass directly into the washing machine itself, onto the clothes. It is worth considering that the amount of soda used changes if there is less or more clothes in the machine drum than the average amount. However, in any case, you cannot pour more than half a glass at a time. Soda forms a kind of protective layer on clothing that prevents the formation of current, and at the same time it is not visible on clothing if you adhere to the norm. Otherwise, if you pour more than half a glass, then the entire protective layer will be very visible to others.
  2. Another good solution to the problem can be ordinary vinegar. After finishing washing, do not immediately remove the clothes, but pour approximately 50 ml of white distilled vinegar into the drum. You can replace it by using apple cider vinegar, which will not change the result much. Next, you need to turn on the machine and set the laundry to rinse and spin. Vinegar acts in the same way as baking soda - it creates a protective layer. But if you use more vinegar, the consequence will not be the color of the clothes, but a pungent odor.
  3. Another option is to use natural fabrics. Static electricity accumulates on them very poorly. Therefore, when washing, you can simply put linen fabric, a piece of wool or something else into the drum. Thus, all the charge accumulated on the clothing will transfer to this piece and it can be easily disposed of.
  4. There is also a little trick. You can pin a metal pin, hairpin, brooch on the inside of clothes that are exposed to current, or simply put some change in your pocket. Static electricity will quickly dissipate to the conductive metal and will not accumulate on clothing.

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How to remove static electricity from a person and surrounding objects

Since the harmfulness of static electricity for adults and children has been proven by time, scientists have long been looking for ways to protect them from this dangerous phenomenon. Of particular importance is the issue of protecting young children from static, who are more sensitive to its manifestations. For all categories of users, several different approaches have been developed to remove the charge of static electricity that accumulates over time on the surfaces of any object.

The easiest way to get rid of static accumulated on home equipment (on a personal computer or washing machine, for example) is to ground them by connecting the case to a special ground bus.

The simplest method of removing a charge from any wearable item is to periodically spray it with a spray bottle of water, which is a good grounding.

To prevent a dangerous charge from accumulating on the car body, a special strip of conductive rubber (strap) is attached to its rear bumper. In addition, during long trips in personal vehicles, it is necessary to study the issue of the inadmissibility of accumulation of charges due to changes in body position relative to the seat. As a result of the resulting friction on the covers, sometimes a sufficient amount of them accumulates, which often leads to a noticeable and unpleasant electrical discharge. Therefore, you should periodically moisten the seats by spraying them with a special compact spray bottle.

The occurrence of static electricity

When the physical body is in a normal neutral state, the balance of negatively and positively charged particles in it is maintained. If it is violated, an electric charge with one sign or another is formed in the body, polarization occurs - the charges begin to move.

For example:

  • positive: air, skin, asbestos, glass, leather, mica, wool, fur, lead;
  • negative: ebonite, Teflon, selenium, polyethylene, polyester, brass, copper, nickel, latex, amber;
  • neutral: paper, cotton, wood, steel.

Static electrification of objects can occur due to various reasons. The main ones are the following:

  • direct contact between bodies with subsequent separation: friction (between dielectrics or dielectric and metal), winding, unwinding, moving layers of material relative to each other and other similar manipulations;
  • instantaneous change in ambient temperature: sudden cooling, placing in an oven, etc.;
  • radiation exposure, ultraviolet or x-ray irradiation, induction of strong electric fields;
  • cutting processes - on machines for cutting or cutting paper sheets;
  • special directional guidance with a statistical discharge.

At the molecular level, the occurrence of static electricity occurs as a result of complex processes when electrons and ions from colliding inhomogeneous surfaces with different atomic bonds of surface attraction begin to be redistributed. The faster materials or liquids move relative to each other, the lower their resistivity, the larger the areas that come into contact and the interaction forces, the higher the degree of electrification and electrical potential will be.

The sources of electrostatics, both in domestic and industrial conditions, are computer and office equipment, televisions and other units and devices powered by electric current. For example, the simplest computer has a pair of fans to cool the system unit. When the air accelerates, the dust particles contained in it become electrified and, retaining a charge, settle on surrounding objects, people’s skin and hair, and even penetrate into the lungs.

Fans in computer system units are constant sources of static electricity in everyday life

Also, static accumulates in large quantities on monitor screens. In homes and industrial premises, electrostatic charges are formed on floors covered with linoleum or PVC tiles, on people (in hair and on synthetic clothing).

In nature, static electricity is very powerful, arising when cloud masses move: huge potentials of electricity arise between them, which manifests itself in lightning discharges.

In industry, the formation of static charges is often encountered in the following cases:

  • friction of conveyor belts on shafts, friction of wire belts on pulleys (especially in cases of slipping and jamming);
  • when flammable liquids pass through pipelines;
  • filling tanks with gasoline and other liquid petroleum fractions;
  • entry and movement of dust particles in air ducts at high speed;
  • during grinding, mixing and sifting dry substances;
  • during mutual compression of dielectric materials of various types and consistencies;
  • mechanical processing of plastics;
  • the passage of liquefied gas (especially those containing suspensions or dust) through pipelines;
  • moving carts with rubberized tires on insulating flooring.

Anti-static electricity

Electrostatic fields have an acceptable level of intensity, which are established in GOST 12.1.045-84 and their maximum permissible level is $60$ kV/m per hour. The level of tension depends on the time spent at the workplace. If the actual level of electrostatic field strength exceeds $60$ kV/m, workers are required to use protective equipment.

Protective equipment must take into account the characteristics of the enterprise’s technological processes, the physical and chemical properties of the material being processed, the microclimate of the room, etc. When developing protective measures, these features make it possible to approach them in a differentiated manner.

There are two ways to protect against static electricity:

  1. By reducing the intensity of the formation of electrical charges;
  2. By eliminating the resulting charges of static electricity.

The intensity can be reduced by reducing the speed and force of friction, as well as increasing the electrical conductivity of the dielectric properties of materials. The friction force will be less if the contact zone of the interacting surfaces is lubricated and surface roughness is eliminated. When the electrical conductivity of the material is low, the intensity of charge formation is high, so it is advisable to use those that have high electrical conductivity, for example, using antistatic linoleum for flooring. In principle, it is much preferable to produce those objects and substances that come into contact from the same material, because there will be no contact electrolysis - in polyethylene barrels, for example, store polyethylene powder, and if it needs to be transported, then it is better to do this through polyethylene pipelines and hoses.

Static electricity charges are eliminated by grounding equipment housings.

Static electricity is removed from car bodies using an electrically conductive antistatic strip, which is attached to the bottom. Sometimes you can see that the body “sparks”, in this case, in order to discharge it, you need to touch it with a metal object

It is especially important to do this before refueling the car with gasoline.

Static charges that form in airplanes during their flights are removed by metal cables attached to the bottom of the fuselage and landing gear.

Grounding switches in the form of chains are used for petrol stations. The chains are constantly in contact with the ground as the vehicle moves. Additional grounding is used when pouring gasoline into tanks at a gas station.

Electrostatic charges are practically not formed when the air humidity is high, because it has good electrical conductivity, so air humidification will be the simplest and most common method of combating static electricity.

Note 4

A good method for eliminating electrical charges is air ionization. The resulting ions neutralize static electricity charges. Electrical ionizers are widely used in production. Personal protective equipment is antistatic shoes, gowns, and grounding bracelets are used to protect hands.

Protection of pipelines and industrial equipment from static voltage

The discharge can cause the most severe consequences if it affects pipelines at industrial facilities. The consequences of such exposure will be especially severe at a chemical or oil refinery enterprise. This also applies to gas pipelines used in everyday life. To avoid them, measures are taken that are aimed at protecting industrial pipelines from static electricity.

Protection rules

The list of such measures in the Russian Federation is regulated by rules that were approved on January 31, 1971, and are in force to this day.

Pipeline protection is regulated by special rules

Protection methods

The regulatory document provides for the following measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of static electricity charges:

  • Grounding. According to the rules, all structures in which a charge of static electricity can form must be grounded.
  • A decrease in surface resistivity in a material where a charge can form. This indicator depends on the total area of ​​the object. The smaller it is, the less resistance.
  • Use of neutralizers. Static electricity can be neutralized using devices that are designed specifically for this purpose. Most often they generate an induction field or emit radioisotopes. This prevents a large number of electrons from accumulating the same charge and causing static voltage.

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The occurrence of static electricity

One of the conditions for the occurrence of charges is air with humidity less than 80%. If this indicator exceeds this number, then there will be no danger from accumulated discharges. When surfaces are wet, no accumulation will occur.

List of reasons:

  1. If the bases of objects touch, and after they are separated, an electric shock may occur. Anything made from artificial materials that creates friction leads to this result.
  2. Changes in temperature and humidity conditions. If an object is placed in a heated container, static electricity will be accumulated.
  3. Under powerful electromagnetic, x-ray or ultraviolet irradiation.
  4. If an electromagnetic field occurs due to the influence of a charge. This phenomenon is observed during processing, when separating two objects, or when moving.

When charges accumulate, the impact on technical devices is negative.

Danger of static electricity

Accumulated static electricity poses the greatest danger in industrial production. Unexpected ignition of flammable material by sparks from operator contact with grounded equipment may occur, followed by an explosion. The energy of electrostatic discharge is sometimes about 1.4 joules - this is more than enough to bring mixtures of dust, steam, gas and air present in any flammable substances to a state of combustion. According to GOST, the maximum energy of accumulated charges on the surface of an industrial facility should not be more than 40 percent of the minimum energy for ignition of the material.

During certain technological operations, for example:

  • pouring and transporting sand in trucks;
  • pumping fuel through pipelines;
  • pouring alcohol, benzene, ether into ungrounded tanks at high speed;
  • during conveyor work, etc., electrical potentials from 3 to 80 kilovolts are generated.

Note! In order for gasoline vapors to explode, 300 volts are enough, flammable gases - 3 kilovolts, and flammable dusts - about 5 kilovolts. Fires at oil depots often occur due to static charges

Fires at oil depots often occur due to static charges

Statics also negatively affects the operation of all precision and ultra-precision instruments, radio communications equipment, and creates great problems in the functioning of automation and television mechanics. Many parts of complex electronic devices are simply not designed to withstand such high voltages generated by static discharge. It disables these parts, as a result of which the devices lose accuracy.

People can also accumulate charged particles if they wear shoes with non-conductive soles or wool, silk or synthetic clothing. Electrification occurs when moving (if the flooring does not conduct electricity) and interacting with dielectric objects.

Statistical electricity can also accumulate on humans

The impact of static on the human body is carried out in the form of a long-flowing electric current of low voltage or an instantaneous discharge, which causes mild and not always pleasant tingling sensations on the skin (sometimes they are assessed as moderate or even strong pricks). In general, such exposure to a potential of no higher than 7 joules is considered harmless to health; however, even a weak current discharge can lead to reflexive muscle contraction, which is fraught with various industrial injuries (getting into the working areas of mechanisms, catching parts of the body or clothing by unfenced moving parts of machines, falling from height).

If we consider the effect of static electricity on the human body at the cellular level, then as a result of the activation of the neuroreflex mechanism, irritation of skin neurons and the smallest capillaries occurs. This leads to changes in the ionic composition of the tissues of our body, which manifests itself in increased fatigue during the day, a constant irritated mental state, disturbances in sleep rhythm and other problems in the functioning of the central nervous system. Overall performance decreases. Provoked by constant exposure to static electricity, spasms of blood vessels can cause bradycardia - a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and increased blood pressure.

What is the danger of static voltage

The main danger is uncontrolled electric shock. In everyday life, this is practically harmless: for example, when removing a woolen sweater, a person will get an electric shock, but the strength of this charge will be extremely small.

When exposed to an electric field of increased intensity for a long time, a person may experience health problems: headaches, sleep disturbances, irritability, disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

A strong enough discharge can cause a fire

The danger of static voltage is much higher in production and when transporting flammable substances: with a strong discharge, they can explode or catch fire. For example, dust from dielectric material can accumulate in ventilation and hoods, which easily flares up and flares up due to the constant supply of air. During transportation, electricity can accumulate when pumping or draining liquids, even due to splashing while driving.

Important! At home, it is useful to “ground yourself”, for example, by walking barefoot.

What is static electricity

Static voltage is understood as an electrical charge that arises independently and persists in conductors or dielectrics. It appears due to the redistribution of electrons, as a result of which some of them acquire the same charge. The result of these processes is the occurrence of a discharge when touching an object in which static electricity has appeared. This most often occurs in items that are made by joining parts from different materials (for example, two different metal alloys).

Static electricity occurs due to changes in the charge of electrons

What is the danger of the phenomenon

Static electricity in some cases poses a danger to humans. It is expressed as follows:

  • Electric shock. The discharge is usually harmless. This is due to its low power. However, if an item accumulates too much charge, it can cause significant harm to human health. It can be expressed in injuries or damage to the skin as a result of a burn. In some cases, the death of the victim is possible.
  • Failure of electrical appliances. When a discharge hits consumer electronics, they usually fail. In order to break it, even a very weak discharge is enough, which is not at all dangerous to human health. “Smart” devices are especially sensitive to such effects: computers, smartphones.
  • Risk of fire. During the release of the charge, small sparks usually occur. If they come into contact with a flammable substance (fuels and lubricants, high molecular weight solvents), an ignition will occur, which can lead to a fire.

That is why measures are taken to protect against static electricity, which prevents its occurrence and minimizes negative consequences. It is especially important in production, where even one spark can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Industrial facilities require special protection

Methods for relieving static tension

The ESD Guidelines also provide a number of measures to help minimize and eliminate the harmful effects of a discharge. Here are the main ones:

  • purification of gases and liquids passing through pipelines from foreign impurities (for example, solid particles);
  • prevention of spraying and splashing of substances;
  • strict compliance with pipeline speed requirements.

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To prevent foreign impurities from entering the pipeline, filters are used. The photo shows a gas

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