General description Geotextile is a type of woven and non-woven material for technical purposes. For its production
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Properties of the material and how to putty drywall The first step for a beginner is to familiarize yourself with
Modern construction is unthinkable without the use of monolithic technologies. For the construction of tall monolithic structures a practical solution
Building a wooden house with your own hands is associated with a lot of difficulties that require prompt decision-making.
Pile foundation with a monolithic grillage The main components of this type of foundation are piles or
Types of isolon This material is foamed polyethylene, sold in the form of rolled
MDF, advantages MDF is wood chips of finely dispersed fraction, produced at enterprises by grinding and
Types and features of installing snow guards There are two types of snow guards based on design features - snow cutters and
Advantages of stairs made of paving slabs The need to equip steps with this type of material is associated with the presence