39 Modern concrete lamps

Among home craftsmen, the most popular consumable material is concrete, from which you can make a wide variety of interior items, for example, decorative lighting fixtures. This building material is quite easy to use and is inexpensive. Lamps made of concrete are quite heavy, but this does not affect their functionality. Such decorative products are perfect for any design solutions when decorating the interior of premises.

Using concrete mortar, designers create interior items of a wide variety of shapes, paint and decorate them with additional accessories, give the product shades of gold, silver, copper and others.

It is important to note! Concrete lights handmade by experienced designers are quite expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford to decorate their home with such an exclusive piece of furniture.

To save your home budget, you can make such a lighting item yourself.

Do-it-yourself concrete light using a package

Before you start making a lighting fixture for a cement structure, you should first prepare for this event - collect all the necessary consumables and tools.

To make a concrete lamp you will need the following materials:

  • A cardboard milk bag (the larger the illuminator needed, the larger the bag should be).
  • A plastic bottle for placing a light source (light bulb).
  • Dry concrete mixture.

Concrete color

To make your lamp not gray, but some other shade, you can use different methods. Thus, pigments of mineral origin and those created on the basis of metal oxides are often introduced into a liquid solution. They are durable, do not fade, do not wear out, as they paint the entire monolith, and not just its surface.

Currently reading: Cement-sand mortar M150

Also, a layer of paint can be applied to a finished product - there are many paints for concrete on the market today, with different advantages and disadvantages, features, a large or minimal selection of shades. The most important thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a paint is its safety: the substance should not be toxic, it is advisable to be completely odorless, able to withstand temperature changes and humidity.

You can paint the lampshade with bulk pigments and universal colors. The colors are simply dripped onto the walls of the mold, then smeared in any convenient way. The layer should be thin but rich, after which concrete is poured on top and allowed to harden.

Step-by-step instructions for making a lighting fixture

Step 1

It is necessary to release the milk carton and trim its folded edges.

Step 2

Next, a plastic bottle is inserted into the box and a through hole is drilled through them. To make this easier, it is recommended to first make small holes in these places using a nail or knife.

Step 3

It is necessary to insert a bolt into the resulting hole and secure it securely.

Important! Concrete luminaires must have a sufficiently sealed housing. It should not allow moisture to pass through. Therefore, the areas where the package meets the bolt must be sealed with sealant.

Step 4

Prepare the cement mixture in accordance with the instructions from the material manufacturer. In this case, the main thing is not to add excess water. The finished solution should resemble cookie dough. In this case, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that there is not a single dry grain.

Step 5

The free space between the bottle and the bag is filled with concrete mixture (it must be pressed well - there should be no hollow areas). To get rid of the formed air bubbles, the workpiece must be thoroughly shaken.

Important! Immediately wash the container in which the cement mixture was prepared, otherwise, when it sets, it will be quite difficult to remove it.

Step 6

You need to give the product time to dry - the concrete should set well, that is, all the moisture should come out of it. This may take approximately two days. After this, the milk carton is removed and the bolt is unscrewed.

Step 7

In the resulting concrete blank for the illuminator, you need to drill holes of the same or different diameters.

Step 8

A light bulb is placed inside the case, wiring is made, and a connection is made to the switch.

This unique concrete lighting fixture is ready for use!

How to make simple lamps from concrete

Hello, dear readers and DIYers!

The Christmas holidays and New Year are approaching - it's time to stock up on gifts for your loved ones. Or better yet, make them yourself! In this article, the author of the YouTube channel “so0onita” will tell you about making decorative lamps. Their base will be made of cement.

This homemade product is very easy to make and can be done at home.

Materials needed for homemade products. — LED wire — Christmas balls — Multi-colored “laser” sparkles — Cement, sand, water, vegetable oil, juice bags, plastic cups, cardboard, tape, sandpaper.

Tools used by the author. — Cordless glue gun — Glue sticks — Scissors, knife, brush. Manufacturing process. For the project you will need a Christmas decorative ball made of glass or plastic with a hole in it - it will act as a lampshade. Also, a cement mixture is mixed in a separate plastic container in a ratio of 1:3 (cement to sand).

First, the cardboard packaging is cut so that its sides are slightly higher than the cardboard cylinder from the toilet paper roll.

Next, the cylinder itself is cut lengthwise and twisted a little tighter. Such a cylinder will serve as a kind of insert that will create a cavity in the future product. The dimensions of the cylinder are selected so that the battery compartment of the LED wire fits inside it. The outside of the cylinder is wrapped with tape. This layer must have a smooth surface so as not to get stuck in the hardened cement.

In addition, the neck of the glass ball must pass into the cylinder from above.

The lower corners of the cut tetra pack open up to make it more stable.

Hot glue is applied to the edges of the cylinder using a glue gun, after which it is pressed to the center of the mold.

Next, all internal surfaces of the box and cylinder are lubricated with vegetable oil. This is necessary for easy separation of the frozen product.

Now the mold is filled with cement mortar between the cylinder and the walls.

The convenience of this form is that to shrink the solution, it can be crushed, thereby distributing it and expelling air bubbles. The solution will take at least two days to harden. Instead of cement, ordinary plaster is quite suitable. The product will harden much faster, literally in an hour.

The same procedures are performed with other forms. This time the craftswoman uses large-volume plastic glasses.

After the appropriate time has passed, the cardboard parts of the mold and the cylinder are removed. The surfaces of finished cast cement products are treated with sandpaper. This removes the sharp edges that inevitably remain on the top of the mold.

If desired, you can cover the surfaces with acrylic paint or enamel from an aerosol can.

From cup molds, slightly smaller and cylindrical bases are obtained.

Now you need to secure the glass ball by applying hot glue to its neck and inserting it into the upper part of the hole in the base. Of course, you need to use transparent glue sticks, so the glue line will be practically invisible. All that remains is to thread the flexible LED wire through the lower hole and distribute it evenly inside the ball. You need to experiment with this.

The battery compartment itself is placed so that the switch key is at the bottom.

If the battery compartment itself does not fit tightly enough in the hole, then it can be fixed to the side wall with the same hot glue, or wedged with a piece of cardboard.

In addition, these LED wires have different configurations; in another version, they can be powered from a USB connector (rather than from batteries). This will allow you to connect such a lamp to a laptop, computer, or a regular smartphone charger.

The same is done with all other molds. If desired, the bottom of each lamp can be sealed with a piece of felt fabric. A piece is cut out of it in the shape of the bottom.

You also need to remember to cut a hole in the fabric for the switch.

The cover is also fixed with hot glue. It is designed to protect furniture from scratches that a “bare” cement body will inevitably leave.

Instead of gluing fabric, you can make simple legs by squeezing a few large drops of hot glue onto the bottom and pressing them to a smooth metal surface.

Of course, you can take not a simple colorless glass ball, but a colored one, or paint it yourself with acrylic paints. Multi-colored “laser” sparkles will serve as a wonderful additional decoration. They can be glued to a layer of transparent varnish applied to the base or to the surface of the ball. Such lamps will decorate any interior, add a touch of Christmas mood, and can be excellent gifts for your friends or relatives.

I thank the author for a simple method of making very original lamps.

I wish you all a New Year's mood, good health, and interesting ideas! Subscribe to the telegram channel

site so as not to miss new articles.

The author's video can be found here.


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DIY concrete light using plastic bottles

No less unique are concrete lamps made from two plastic bottles of different sizes.


  • Two plastic bottles of different sizes.
  • Light source.
  • Cartridge with cord.
  • Cement mixture.


  • Electric drill with drills.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Threaded tube.

DIY concrete lamps

Recently, concrete has become a popular and fashionable addition to the interior. As a decorative element, it entered the design with the loft style in the 50s of the last century. Today, tables, dishes, chairs, furniture facades, sinks and much more can be made from concrete. In this article we will tell you how to make a table lamp from concrete with your own hands.

What is concrete?

Concrete is an environmentally friendly product that can be recycled and reused. The recipe for making concrete is quite simple. All you need is cement, crushed stone, sand and water. The exact ratio of all components of the solution is very important, since the strength of future products depends on this. The main component of a concrete mixture is cement. When choosing its brand, you should determine the level of load and the impact of external destructive factors.

Photo: DIY concrete lamp

Pay attention to the water you will add to the concrete mixture. If it contains components that disrupt the structure of concrete, it is better to discard it. River or lake water is ideal. Speaking of proportions, you can see them on the back of the package. Remember that this ratio is quite arbitrary, so without precise calculations you may get an unexpected result.

DIY concrete lamps in loft style at home

To create a concrete lamp with your own hands at home, it is best to use decorative concrete. This concrete contains natural ingredients, so it is safe for health. In addition, decorative concrete allows you to imitate various coatings: wood, stone, decorative tiles, brick and much more.

No matter what type of concrete you use, it is recommended to sift it before mixing. It is important to use a construction mask that will protect the respiratory tract from harmful dust.

What do you need to make a loft lamp with your own hands?

Concrete is perfect for realizing creative ideas. Despite the coldness of the material, such products bring comfort, warmth and will complement any interior style. Concrete can also be combined with other materials. When making a concrete lamp, you can give it any color using special dyes for concrete.

The main advantage of concrete is its naturalness and environmental friendliness. You can easily make it yourself without using any special materials, tools or accessories.

How to make a table lamp with your own hands? You will need:

  • durable cement-sand mixture;
  • drill;
  • cord;
  • lamp socket;
  • threaded tube;
  • knife;
  • two plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • wood screws.

The first thing to do is prepare the bottles. To do this, cut the bottom and drill holes in the bottle caps. The hole must be large enough to allow the threaded tube to be inserted. Then insert the tube into the resulting holes and secure its position with nuts. Screw the resulting structure onto bottles. Use self-tapping screws to stabilize bottles. In this way, a form for a concrete lamp is prepared.

Now you can start mixing the concrete. The main thing is not to overdo it with water. The mixture should resemble cookie dough. Mix it thoroughly so that every grain of the mixture is moist. Remember that all concrete work must be done with gloves, as concrete dries out the skin and concrete dust is not removed from the lungs.

Lay out the resulting concrete into a mold. Use a large spoon to fill the pan. Shake and squeeze the bottle a little after each spoonful to ensure the mixture is evenly distributed. Shake well at the end. This will help remove any excess bubbles.

Be sure to immediately wash the container in which you mixed the concrete. Otherwise, it will set quickly and will be extremely difficult to remove.

After a couple of days, as soon as the concrete has hardened, you can cut off the plastic bottles with a knife and remove the screws. Since the concrete will have a rough shape, it is best to sand its surface with 120-grit sandpaper.

The last step is to connect the cord through a metal tube to the socket and switch. Make sure that the lamp is well secured and that the fixtures can support the significant weight of the concrete.

Ordinary concrete, which has an unsightly gray color, is not particularly beautiful. Therefore, it is recommended to use decorative concrete - a material that combines low cost of components, ease of manufacture, aesthetic appearance and increased strength.

Concrete color

A concrete structure does not have to be gray and dull. Thanks to modern technologies, mineral pigments and metal oxides, you can give concrete products any shade. The dyes are durable and will not lose their tone during use.

The color of concrete can be changed by various methods. You can apply a layer of paint to the finished product or add coloring additives at the stage of mixing the components.

DIY loft table lamp

You can also make a concrete lamp using milk or juice cartons. The manufacturing principle is still the same: fill the mold with concrete and leave room for the cartridge. After a couple of days, remove the packaging and get a chic decoration for your home.

Concrete lamps are creative, fashionable and durable. Interestingly, if you already have cement, such a hand-made product will cost you much less than a purchased lamp. Don't be afraid to dream, fantasize and bring your ideas to life!

Step-by-step master class with photos

1. Cut off the bottom of a larger bottle.

Kawabanga! Drainage trays: 10 tips for selection and installation

3. Attach the tube to the cap of the bottom bottle.

3. Attach the top bottle.

As a result, you should have a design like this:

4.Secure the sides of the bottle with self-tapping screws. This will avoid displacement.

5. Prepare the concrete mixture. Fill the form. Remember to shake the bottle as you work to ensure a firm seal against the concrete. It can also be compacted with a stick.

If you want the surface of the lamp to be smooth, use thick concrete. The liquid consistency will help create the unusual effect of a surface covered with shells.

To make pouring concrete more convenient, you can place the bottles on a tin can (as shown in the photo below).

6. Once the concrete is compacted, you can remove the screws and tamp again by pressing on the smaller bottle. Be careful not to move the center. Shape the edge.

The edge can be either smooth or asymmetrical.

7. After the concrete has partially dried (depending on the brand used), you can carefully remove the bottles. Do not forget that at this time the lampshade is fragile and can be easily damaged.

To make an original lamp with your own hands, we will need:

1. Cement + sand. 2. Electrical wire and socket 3. Plastic mineral water bottle 2 liters and thinner 1 liter. 4. Tube with thread and nuts. This tube can be purchased at lighting stores, or taken from an old chandelier. 5. Self-tapping screws

After we have made our choice, cut off the bottom of a 2-liter bottle.

Drill holes in the lids for the metal tube

Use nuts to tighten the covers on both sides to hold them in place. The distance between the caps should be twice as large as the distance between the walls of the bottles.

Use self-tapping screws to secure the shape.

After the cement has dried (1 week in the shade), remove the bottles, but you must act carefully, since the cement is still fragile and can easily damage the front part.

Sand all edges of the lamp.

All that remains is to connect the socket to the lamp. I would like to note that hanging a lamp on a wire is very risky, and sooner or later the weight may crush the wire. Therefore, I recommend using a decorative chain for hanging.

This DIY decorative lamp is ready to decorate your interior.

Good luck to you in your creativity.

What will you need?

In the store they buy a ready-made building mixture in the form of a cement-based powder of any brand. Also prepared for work:

  • container for diluting concrete mortar;
  • three legs of any height;
  • cartridge, wire and switch (sold as a set);
  • light bulb;
  • 2 plastic bowls of different sizes (large and small);

  • marker;
  • sharp knife;
  • a piece of insulating material;
  • scotch;
  • thick wire or wooden planks;
  • silicone sealant.

Stands can be purchased ready-made, but it will be cheaper to buy wooden poles at a garden or hardware store and cut them into products of a certain size.

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