Construction sand
Which sand is better for a foundation cushion?
General requirements Requirements for raw materials used to produce the mixture are specified by GOSTs. Their list includes
How to lay penoplex on a concrete floor
How to attach penoplex to the floor
Penoplex is rightfully considered the optimal material for insulating floors on the ground, concrete slab, ventilated
How to check the quality of the foundation?
A foundation is a structure that is designed to evenly distribute the weight load of a building on the ground. How
Digging a trench for the foundation with your own hands
Any building must rest on a solid foundation - a foundation. Its stability and reliability in
Making steps from decking boards
A simple staircase made from decking boards is a relatively inexpensive but interesting design that can be made
Beam wooden floors. How to treat floor and ceiling beams made of logs and timber, floors of a house from rotting, mold and mildew. How to treat wooden beams
How to treat logs against rotting Logs are supporting elements that give the entire structure the required
House made of timber
Which house is warmer and cheaper - made of timber or foam block?
The essence of construction raw materials is timber and foam block. To the ignorant layman, timber appears as ordinary wood.
How to pour a concrete porch in a semicircle: master class and thematic photos
Home / Home / Porch Back Published: 03/29/2021 Reading time: 14 min 0
Polymer sand paving slabs: what is it and how to lay it correctly
Everything on your site should be perfect and beautiful. Gazebo, loggia, terrace, garden and,
Features of aerated concrete floors
When constructing buildings, builders have to solve various problems. One of them is the construction of a durable
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