Potentiometers are adjustable voltage dividers for adjusting it when applied to the powered device at
For some reason, there are now few technical articles on Giktimes from independent, non-news and non-paid articles
Concept Smart home Modern smart home - several devices combined into one automation system
Modern electrical wiring is carried out according to a three-wire circuit, with protective grounding. And if the phase wire is found
Purposes of marking wires The designation of cable lines and wires is carried out in order to simplify installation work,
Purpose and principle of operation The pulse voltage limiter OIN-1 is needed to protect electrical networks with a voltage of 380/220V.
Zone - spreading - current Current spreading zone - zone of the earth, beyond which
How to draw up a grounding inspection report As you might guess, safety depends on the serviceability of the grounding conductors
What is commutation? In traditional telephone networks, subscribers communicate with each other using
Many car enthusiasts want to improve the low beam of their car. Most people use the simplest method