How to turn off the doorbell in an apartment

How to turn off the doorbell

Am I the only one who is bothered and annoyed by people walking around apartments? At least three times a day they call me on the intercom or at the door with offers of some of the most unique products, to have pious conversations from sectarians, to invest my money in the next “MMM”, to install new meters on water, the gypsies offer to buy potatoes and onions. And since we now have an apartment, we have to rush to the intercom to answer it before Gosha is woken up by this squeak, or open the apartment door, then go to the vestibule door and chase the next ones in the neck. Continue reading →

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How to connect a bell in an apartment correctly

So, how to connect a bell in an apartment so that you cannot be disturbed again by hooligans, the chairman of the HOA, a drunk neighbor who forgot the keys to the common door on the landing, debt collectors and other uninvited guests. Everything is very simple: we will break the power supply circuit of the bell and put a switch there.

All bells from the side of the stairs look almost the same: in the form of a button. But from the apartment side, they are all so different from each other. We will be interested in that part of the call that is located inside the apartment. Before us is the most ordinary call that hangs on our wall (yours may be different, but the essence does not change):

Let's carefully remove the decorative cover of the bell and see what's inside:

Any bell has 2 contacts, to which wires are connected and form an electrical circuit:

All you need to do is install a switch in the bell circuit:

The switch can be anything. It can be a push-button or toggle switch type. Next, you need to drill a hole in the decorative bell cover for this switch. This needs to be done carefully so that overall everything looks aesthetically pleasing:

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This is where all the useful home improvement stores are located. When you have drilled the cover, installed the switch in it, and seen that everything turned out beautifully and neatly (you have, as they say, tried it on), you can now remove the switch from the cover and start doing electrical work. What should be done? Wires are connected to the two contacts of the bell. You need to unhook one of the contacts and make an electrical circuit through the switch. I think that everyone at school in labor class assembled an electrical circuit consisting of a light bulb, a switch and wires. So, here is a reason to “shake off the old days.” Instead of a light bulb, we have a bell. There is nothing complicated in the bell connection diagram, just look at the following picture:

We passed the wire that was directly connected to the right contact of the bell through the switch, using 2 more pieces of wire for this.

Nuance. We can have 2 calls to the apartment: one from the landing near the elevator, the second - directly in front of the door. In this case, when you remove the decorative cover, 2 wires may go to one of the bell contacts at once. In my case, this was the case: 2 wires went to the left bell terminal. It makes absolutely no difference which terminal the switch is connected through. Of course, it is easier to do this where only 1 wire is supplied, which is why I chose the right terminal.

So, everything is finished: the wires are connected to the switch. Now you can install the switch in the decorative cover, and place the cover itself on the bell body:

As a result, your call may now look something like this after some minor modifications. You can choose a switch on the market that completely matches the color of the cover, but you yourself decide which is better, which is more beautiful. But the main thing is different! Now, if you don’t want to hear anyone, don’t want anyone to ring your doorbell, just press the button on the side of the apartment, and that’s it!

So, you know how to connect a bell in an apartment to be protected from uninvited guests. By the way, there is a situation exactly the opposite, when you are expecting guests, but after a while you realize that these are strangers and you urgently need to get rid of them. Read about it here.

Instructions for dismantling and installing a doorbell

Instructions for dismantling and installing a doorbell step by step. A doorbell is a device that is used everywhere in homes. It is a spring-loaded push-button switch. Despite the small currents flowing through it, the bell sometimes fails due to burning contacts. Then it needs to be replaced - most often such a device cannot be repaired. Before installing a new bell, you must remove the old one.

Tools and materials

• felt-tip pen or pencil • screwdriver or screwdriver • indicator screwdriver

• round nose pliers • awl • protective gloves • screws


Before working, turn off the power to avoid electric shock. Before you start working with wires, check for voltage with an indicator screwdriver.


Handle the ends of the wires carefully: if the old bell has been standing for a very long time, they can easily break. It is likely that they need to be replaced (especially aluminum ones) or lengthened.

1 Remove the top cover with the button. In some designs, the cover is attached to the body with plastic latches and is usually easily removed - to do this, just pry it off with a screwdriver and slightly bend the plastic of the body. In other calls with a button, it is attached to the body with a screw, so it must be unscrewed.

2 Unscrew the screws of the electrical contacts and disconnect the wires.

3 Unscrew the screws securing the bell housing to the door (most often there are two of them).

4 Disconnect the bell body from the door lintel. If the body is stuck to the lintel, you can use a flathead screwdriver. Before removing the housing, it is necessary to squeeze the wires sticking out to the sides so that they do not catch on the housing and easily fit into the hole.

5 We lay out the details of the new bell on the table and carefully examine the package. We think over an approximate sequence of actions.

6 Check whether the mounting holes on the body of the new and old bells match. If not, mark new holes with a felt-tip pen.

7 We direct the wires into the hole in the body of the new bell intended for this purpose. New holes will have to be marked even if the screws in the old ones no longer hold. However, they can be hammered in with thin wooden plugs or ordinary matches.

8 We fix the bell body with screws on the door lintel.

9 Connect the electrical wires to the bell contacts. Using round nose pliers it is easy to make rings, which are then completely hidden under screw heads or washers. It is better to use screws with washers so that the wires are simply pressed against the contacts, and not screwed onto the screws - this could cause them to break.

11 We fasten the electrical wires to the bell contacts with screws.

12 Install the bell cover with the button and fix it on the body.

Installing a bell with a wire

What tools will be needed to carry out the work?

To set up a call you will need:

  • The bell itself (external and internal units);
  • Dowels with screws, for installation;
  • Transformer.
  • Button.
  • The wire is special for low-voltage connections.
  • Screwdrivers, ordinary pliers, long-nosed pliers, side cutters, level, set of drills.
  • Drill-driver, stripper for stripping conductors.
  • Insulating tape, tape measure, plastic clamps.

If a bell has not previously been installed in the house, then you need to choose a suitable place to install it. Typically, a call consists of two elements - a button and the call itself (speaker).

There should be a diagram on your bell indicating in what position it should be locked.

Speaker Installation

This is the first step towards connecting a bell in your apartment. The speaker usually has technological holes for mounting and for electrical wire entry. First you need to place it on the wall and drill a hole for the conductors. Use a level to fix it evenly. After the hole is ready, you need to insert the wire into it and stretch it to the place where the button will be installed.

Installing a button

You need to drill a hole for the conductor in the wall where the button is installed. After this, you need to thread the cable into the hole so that it sticks out from the outside by 15 cm. Strip the cable using a stripper or other available tools. Expose no more than 2 cm.

Tip: the recommended installation height for the button is 1.5 meters. It is considered the most versatile and comfortable.

Connecting the electrical wire to the button

Move both stripped conductors apart from each other. Insert the ends into the special clips located on the back of the button. The wires are first bent so that they wrap around the base of the clamp. The clamp is then tightened tightly using a screwdriver. This way the electrical wire will be held securely and will not fall out during operation. Once both wires are secured, you can attach the button to the wall using a drill, screws and dowels. It is advisable to set it according to the level.

Masking and securing wiring

The wire must be secured using plastic clamps. The clamps wrap around the cable and are attached to the wall using a drill and screws. Then the wiring can be masked using skirting boards or all kinds of decorative inserts.

Connecting the main bell unit

A cable consisting of two wires goes to the main unit - one that supplies power and one that transmits a signal when someone calls. It is recommended to mark the electrical wires with different colors (if they are the same color), for example, paint them with a marker.

The conductor from the button needs to be folded in half and passed through the hole in the wall, then passed through the hole in the main block, brought out and left about 25 cm of reserve.

It is necessary to take into account: one end of the wire folded in half goes to the button, and the second will be connected to the power supply. Therefore, its length should be calculated.

After this, you can attach the main unit to the wall using a drill. Thus, we get an open main unit box attached to the wall, with a cable protruding from it, folded in half. Both ends of the cable go into the hole and are located behind the wall.

Now, inside the main unit, we separate both wires of this cable from each other and cut one of them (it is desirable that it be white and the other wire black). As a result, you will receive two ends of the electrical wire, which need to be distributed among the clamps inside the main bell unit.

Gas mounting gun HILTI GX 120

Sano published an article in Tools and Equipment, March 11, 2012, article

But a tool is a tool, and knowledge of safety precautions and rules on how to work with it has not stopped anyone.

By the way, it would be useful to note that bringing a tool to the workplace like this, showing it in action, even in the hands of a representative, or even trying out the signature move of the Hilti company yourself, it’s very convenient to try everything yourself before purchasing and then decide whether the tool is suitable or what you need. something else.

How to connect an electric doorbell in an apartment

Usually the bell is connected to a 220 V network. In this case, operations similar to connecting lighting fixtures are performed. Before installation, you should decide on the location of the devices. Also, do not perform work with the switch on. There are two types of doorbells - wireless and wired. Wireless ones are easier to install, but they are less reliable and trouble-free, and also require battery or battery replacement. Options with an electrical wire can work without maintenance for decades; they usually work with 220 V alternating current, but they are more difficult to install. Let's look at how to connect a doorbell in all possible ways.

First steps. Slab countertops

Sano published a blog entry in Furniture made from slabs, solids, and various differences, October 6, 2021, blog entry

The first attempts to make something from the brought slabs. Although there may be some attempts, the material costs money and the right to make mistakes is as much as there is money in your pocket. Train at your own expense, as they say.

Therefore, each board is carefully inspected and tried on; the proverb about measure seven times is in action.

The work itself is not tricky, creative, there are several boards and they need to be selected so that they look beautiful and there is no overspending. All sizing and trimming is done with the minimum possible removal of material, simply sawed off a little here, cut a little there with a chisel.

We got the doorbells. How to fight?!

Hello, dear ones. I live in a house with completely serene citizens who absolutely don’t give a damn about any rules of decency, privacy (they also made it up for me - privacy, like!) and so on. My neighbor in the vestibule doesn’t have a bell working; a string of friends who come to visit her at 10 pm, at 2 am, they call me to open the common door. Do people have mobile phones?! The upstairs neighbor’s phone doesn’t work, and she urgently needs to call at six in the morning - she’ll ring my doorbell until I’m blue in the face. Someone needs to sell potatoes, someone needs to borrow ten, someone needs to check my cold batteries, just like his - you’re welcome! I'm not exaggerating, but almost every single day someone else will sneak in. Maybe I'm on some black list? I just stopped opening the door. I don’t have any friends/relatives living nearby who could run past. I live alone and, being a small individual, I’m somehow wary of opening the door at 12 at night. So people don’t stop. Apparently, there is some kind of unspoken attitude that my job is something like a gatekeeper. It’s just not assumed that I might not be in the apartment, they will call. What’s most interesting is that I recently moved here, I don’t have any relations with my neighbors, they don’t even know my name, nor do I. This morning it started at 7 am and ended around 9. They called intermittently. And what, it won’t occur to anyone that no one is home? What is it? Is this a worldwide conspiracy? Should I bring the current to the bell? I apologize for the verbosity and, let’s say, not a particularly smart topic, but I need advice - what to do? Go to New Guinea? In general, demolish this door to hell? Demand a salary?

How to connect a bell in an apartment is very tricky!

I want to tell you one way that will allow you to get rid of unwanted guests. I think many people love the so-called private time: when you want no one to disturb you, no one to invade your personal space. I want to be alone, or alone with my family, or get some sleep without anyone waking me up ahead of time. Home and cell phones can be turned off, but, unfortunately, as for the front door, no one is immune from the fact that someone suddenly calls you at the most inopportune moment. Using personal experience, I will show you how to connect a bell in an apartment in such a way that it can be turned off at any time, like a telephone.

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